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Lent as a time of Preparation to Trust God More


Lent is well underway, and I hope your soul will be renewed and refreshed as we walk through this season together. It is not too late to join any of the Lenten Series being offered to enhance your spiritual life: Service of Healing at NOON on Tuesdays, “Witness at the Cross” Bible/book study on Wednesdays at 1pm, and Wednesday nights from 5:30-7 for fellowship supper and program. Perhaps you’d like to take on service during Lent, and assist with the Beans & Rice ministry on Saturday, March 18. May these practices prepare us to trust God more.

During Lent, we are also preparing for confirmation and baptism, which is very exciting because we haven’t baptized anyone since I’ve been here and it is always joyful to receive new members into our church. Bishop Prior will be with us on Easter Sunday and there will be lots of ways to celebrate the work of preparation, reconciliation and renewal we are doing during Lent.

While baptism is the welcoming of new members into the church, the body of Christ, confirmation is a reaffirmation of our baptismal vows. Preparation is involved, and I am planning a confirmation retreat on March 11-12 at the church for those who want to be confirmed or reaffirmed on Easter Sunday.

Saturday, March 11, 9am-3pm, lunch provided: covering topics such as history, contents of the Book of Common Prayer, scripture, mission, and more

Sunday, March 12, immediately after church: gathering at the altar to see it up close and all the vessels, furnishing, and symbols, review the structure of the Eucharist, and pray.

I have received interest from several about joining confirmation prep as an inquirer or a refresher. The answer is YES! All are invited and welcome to participate in our confirmation retreat, with no obligation to be confirmed or reaffirmed, but simply to renew your heart, mind, and soul. Please let me know if you want to join us.

Our Wednesday night program will be on baptism, March 15 and 22. I have invited a guest, Betsy Fetner, to present some of the material, and we will also discuss the baptismal covenant. This is important for the whole parish to join and remember why we renew our own baptismal vows. Each time there is a baptism or confirmation, each of us participates by renewing our vows as members of the Church, the Body of Christ.

In peace,


The Rev. Susan Oakes, Rector


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