Worship is at the heart of how we practice our faith in Christ. We gather in the unity of worship to pray, to praise God’s holiness, to hear God’s Word, and to celebrate the love and grace given by Christ. All are welcome in the Episcopal Church!

Sunday Service with Holy Communion and Music at 10:30am
Childcare available for infants and children up to 4 years old
Children’s packets available for children older than 4 to use during church
Coffee Hour with the Rector before church begins at 9:30 in Bingham Hall
At St. Peter’s, we follow the schedule of the Revised Common Lectionary for our readings each week during Sunday services.

The Altar Guild of St. Peter’s is a group of faithful members who maintain the needs of the altar and attend to the particular needs of the worship services held in our church. Duties are rotated on a regular basis. Assisting with the altar preparations holds a special meaning for those who choose to serve God in this way.

Acolytes light and extinguish altar candles, carry the cross and lead the procession, and assist at the altar with preparation and serving of the communion celebration.

Children are invited to participate as leaders in our worship by serving as the Children's Crucifer who carries the smaller Cross in the procession as the service begins.

Take turns preparing flowers for the altar each week with fresh flowers from parishioners' own gardens and with purchased flowers. After the Sunday service, flowers are then taken to parishioners who are not able to attend so that they can enjoy the beauty and feel connected to the parish family in a special way.

The chalice bearer assists the priest with the preparation of the bread and wine before the communion celebration. They have the special job of serving the chalice of wine to those who come to the rail to receive. This role is by invitation by the priest and requires special training, as well as licensing by the bishop.

Take turns handling our MEVO camera to livestream service via our Facebook page., and post the bulletin before the service begins.

Welcome everyone as they enter and hand them a service bulletin, present the congregation's gifts during the offertory, and assist with the flow of the congregation for communion. They make a special point to make guests feel welcome. After the service, they introduce newcomers to others and the clergy.

There are two types of readers, lector and intercessor. The lector leads the lectionary readings, the Word of God. The intercessor leads the prayers of the people.

This group lists the current schedule for Worship Ministry Volunteers.

Everyone participates in the Music Ministry of St. Peter’s! In singing, playing, praying and listening, all are welcome to share in the musical aspects of our common worship together. The Music Ministry at St. Peter’s is a vital part of the parish and surrounding community. Our Sunday Morning Choir sings most Sundays at our 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist.
Prayer is a vital way in which we connect with God and respond to God’s call to our life in Christ. Prayer is the experience of nearness with God, through words, deeds, or silence. We welcome you to join us in prayer as part of our weekly worship, as well as joining one of the prayer groups that meet daily and monthly.

Please feel free to get in touch with our Rector by contacting the main church office if you have questions, if you are interested in becoming a member of St. Peter’s, or if you would like to serve in any of our worship ministries.